+1 overall

Vote Subsystem Runtime Log Comment
0 reexec 0m 1s Precommit patch detected.
+1 dupname 0m 1s No case conflicting files found.
Compile Tests
0 mvndep 0m 8s Maven dependency ordering
+1 mvninstall 5m 49s the source passed
+1 jshint 0m 1s There were no new jshint issues.
+1 compile 0m 31s the source passed
+1 javac 0m 31s the source passed
+1 @author 0m 11s The source tree does not contain any @author tags.
-0 checkstyle 0m 5s /diff-checkstyle-root.txt root: The source tree has 93 issues.
+1 hadolint 0m 1s There were no new hadolint issues.
+1 markdownlint 0m 5s There were no new markdownlint issues.
+1 pylint 0m 6s There were no new pylint issues.
+1 rubocop 0m 4s There were no new rubocop issues.
+1 shellcheck 0m 16s There were no new shellcheck issues.
+1 shelldocs 0m 2s There were no new shelldocs issues.
+1 whitespace 0m 0s The source tree has no whitespace issues.
+1 xml 0m 14s The source tree has no ill-formed XML file.
+1 yamllint 0m 1s There were no new yamllint issues.
-0 javadoc 0m 11s /diff-javadoc-javadoc-root.txt root has 1 issues.
0 spotbugs 1m 1s Both FindBugs and SpotBugs are enabled, using SpotBugs.
+1 spotbugs 0m 50s the source passed
Other Tests
+1 unit 0m 21s root in the source passed.
+1 asflicense 0m 4s The source tree does not generate ASF License warnings.
9m 8s

Subsystem Report/Notes
Optional Tests dupname asflicense yamllint jshint shellcheck shelldocs hadolint rubocop markdownlint javac javadoc unit xml compile spotbugs findbugs checkstyle pylint
uname Linux 26f59e27b54d 4.15.0-1077-aws #81-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 24 16:48:15 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Build tool maven
git revision main / 12d596803b309dcd430e56e21061cef80ce3d41c
Default Java Private Build-1.8.0_265-8u265-b01-0ubuntu2~20.04-b01
modules C: audience-annotations-component/audience-annotations yetus-assemblies audience-annotations-component yetus-dist . asf-site-src audience-annotations-component/audience-annotations-jdiff precommit releasedocmaker shelldocs yetus-maven-plugin yetus-minimaven-plugin U: .
Console output https://circleci.com/gh/aw-was-here/buretoolbox/1256
versions git=2.25.1 maven=3.6.3 jshint=2.12.0 hadolint=1.18.0-0-g76eee5c markdownlint=0.23.2 pylint=1.9.2 rubocop=0.90.0 yamllint=1.24.2 spotbugs=4.0.4
Powered by Apache Yetus 0.13.0-SNAPSHOT https://yetus.apache.org

This message was automatically generated.