


Test (Compile)


Provides support for Java compilation.

The location of Java must be configured either via the command line (–) or via the JAVA_HOME environment variable. On Mac OS X, /usr/libexec/java_home may also be used.

The JAVA_HOME/--java-home JDK is considered the base JDK and will always be used last when --multijdk options are used. Therefore, it should always be the earliest version so that bytecode remains compatible between versions.

Environment Variables

JAVA_HOME may be used to set the location of the JDK.


Option Notes
--java-home The base JDK to use for Java work
--multijdkdirs=<dir1,dir2,..> Comma delimited list of directories to treat as JDKs
--multijdktests=<test1,test2,..> Comma delimited list of tests that support MultiJDK mode that should actually be run in MultiJDK mode

Docker Notes

Locations should be local to the Docker container image.

Developer Notes