Apache Yetus Downloads

The Apache Yetus project publishes a single source artifact per release for all of
our components as well as a convenience artifact of binaries and documentation for immediate use. You
should verify the integrity of these artifacts via the ASF procedure
using the KEYS file for our project.

In addition to the artifacts below, we publish convenience artifacts in some
third-party repositories (e.g. Maven Central) and Docker Hub.


OS X Homebrew/Linuxbrew

The latest version of Apache Yetus is also available via Homebrew on Mac OS X:

brew tap apache/yetus https://github.com/apache/yetus-homebrew
brew install yetus

This will install many of the dependencies needed for the precommit functionality as well.

Helper Script

To aid in downloading Apache Yetus for continuous integration systems, local build environments, etc, we provide a simple script that may be checked into your local repo here. It takes two parameters:

$ yetus-dl.sh <location> <version>

By default, location is /tmp/yetus and the version is the latest version. Compatibility is not guaranteed between 'latest' versions. Additionally, only the last three released versions will be available via this method.

Previous Releases

The changelogs and release notes for previous releases are available here.