Apache Yetus 0.2.0 Release Notes

These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, important issues, features, and major improvements.

test-patch and smart-apply-patch now have variable size output to match the screen dimensions when printing the usage information. As a result, the plugin_usage functions now use the yetus_add_option to add options to output. Plug-ins written to use raw echos will still work, but the output will be strange looking.

Website layout was changed to better accommodate multiple versions.

The calcdiff function has been changed to be pluggable to allow for a variety of difference calculators to allow for greater accuracy when more information is available. As a result, this fixes some (but not all!) instances where pre-existing errors were reported as new in some reports.

Allow specifying of output directory in releasedocmaker



There is now code in place to allow for plug-ins to report a much more nuanced report in the form of an equation. This equation tells exactly how many new, unchanged, and fixed issues a patch causes/removes as well as the old and new totals for issues. For patches where the totals are unchanged, the generic "passed" message is returned. Summarization is automatically as appropriate turned off as well.

With this change, most plug-ins have been updated to report these numbers.



Allow specification of the Base JIRA URL as a command line option



Plug-ins that use maven services should now use maven_add_install to be certain that a mvn install has been executed prior to their plug-in. This will help guarantee that all root-level maven dependencies have been satisfied. See the build system documentation for more information.

By default, Yetus now runs docker in privileged execution mode (when docker support is enabled).

To opt instead for the previous behavior, use the cli option {{–dockerprivd=false}}.

For downstream users:

The cli for configuring which tests should be run during Multi-JDK mode now works correctly. e.g. "–multijdktests=compile" will cause just compilation against additional jdk versions.

Note that the full suite of tests is always run against the java version given in JAVA_HOME.

For plugin developers:

Authors of new plugins that wish to make them multi-jdk aware can add them to the default list by calling the yetus_add_entry function. i.e.:

yetus_add_entry JDK_TEST_LIST my_foo_test